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Craftdrawer Crafts
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 37

Classic Crochet Vest PatternsUnique retro vest patterns are a great way to crochet something old into something new again. These classic patterns are perfect for wearing over a t-shirt, sweater or any outfit that works with these unique patterns.Patterns include easy to crochet vests that can be crocheted and worn with today’s fashion styles. Use your favorite color of yarn to make a one-of-a-kind vest to wear for women. There are 10 crochet vest patterns included in this book including a pattern for a vest and matching skirt set.You can easily use a worsted weight yarn for an everyday vest or a lightweight yarn to make a vest for warmer weather. The patterns are versatile and easy to make in a variety of sizes and styles.Crochet Vest Patterns Include: Retro Crochet VestCrochet an Easy VestOld-Fashion Crochet VestShell Stitch Vest PatternCrochet an Open Stitch VestCircle and Stripes ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 36 ratings