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Dirk Walvoord
Publisher: Dirk Walvoord
Pages: 89

Book 8 of the Andy Series is here!“Th-th-that’s all, folks!”In the first seven novellas of the Andy Series, Robotics International’s anatomically correct and fully functional androids have been happily interacting with the humans who are leasing them. But there’s been a question steadily growing in the background - Alfie’s question, “What’s it all about?”Cyrus Bergen, the beloved psych professor, taught Andy to make himself likeable. Is likeable enough? And now, as each of the Andy models aspire to something more, as each of the Adrienne models gain the capability of personhood status, what about humans’ fear that A.I. is getting too full of itself; that A.I.’s new behavior patterns smack of “uppity”?The fact that “Elixir” wraps up the threads of the first seven story lines does not mean that every question is answered. We humans invited the original Andy to cross the threshold into our ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 4 ratings