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Scott M. Baker, Scott Matthew Baker
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 250

If you were faced with a demon scarier than any you had encountered, would you run? What if this demon could look inside your soul and force you to do things you know are wrong? Jason and his team face just such a danger when they travel to China to close the next portal. They meet new enemies and friends and discover that humans can be more evil than the legions of creatures from Hell. To complicate matters, the tension in the love triangle with Sasha and Jeanette becomes a distraction to Jason, endangering everyone. What will Jason do when faced with this army of evil? How will things end? Will the group close the portal in China? [PUBLISHER'S NOTE: This novel was originally published in 2018 as RISE OF THE SATANERS under the pseudonym Josh Matthews.]
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 17 ratings