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Erin R. Howard
Publisher: Expanse Books (July 1, 2020)
Pages: 310

Previously published asThe Soul Searcher by Mantle Rock Publishing.The Kalila Chronicles – Book TwoElnora’s parents gave her one rule:Stay hidden away at all costs.Elnora Scott is used to her survival depending on the decisions of others. Locked away in her safe house, it is easy to follow her parents’ dying wishes until an angel, demon, and seer show up on her doorstep. Now, waking up in a dirty cell, she wishes she would have gone with them when she had the chance, because the ones who unknowingly ushered the kidnapper to her location may be the only ones who can save her now.When Thea learns that Elnora may be in danger, she doesn’t hesitate to find her. Thea thought stepping through the portal would be her greatest obstacle, but it only reveals a more sinister threat.
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 14 ratings