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Donna Schwartze
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 258

A smoldering Navy SEAL romance novel. Millie Marsh is a fiercely independent CIA agent. Mason Davis is a headstrong Navy SEAL. Her eyes are focused on the mission. His eyes are focused on her.“High heat and nail-biting suspense!!!!! I was sucked into Millie and Mason’s world within minutes! Brilliant storyline and such likable characters that you can’t help but fall in love with! Mason is just the right amount of tough alpha hero and a soft squishy heart that just might have met his match in Millie! Outstanding read!” Amazon ReviewFor seventeen years, Millie Marsh’s life was perfect. Then her beloved dad died, and she discovered the secret he never wanted her to know. Now a CIA agent, Millie has been using her position to uncover clues that will lead her to the truth. She’s almost there. Unfortunately, the final step on her journey will take her right through a terrorist ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 320 ratings