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Dirk Foster
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 146

Struggling to stay positive? Seeking to improve your state of mind? Want to increase joy in your life? To fully experience all the positivity and abundance that life can offer, you must cultivate a positive attitude, every day! That's what "Habitude" means, daily habits that create a positive attitude-of-gratitude. It's not enough to simply wait passively for life to bloom into perfection every day. You have to take proactive action, cultivating a positive and productive mindset. You have to work on how you feel on the inside so that you can manifest what you want on the outside. Once you start to develop positive Habitudes each day, other people will want to spend more time with you, you will experience greater abundance in every part of your life, and you will achieve more serenity and happiness.Habitude means taking action to improve your state of mindHabitude means developing ...
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4.5 stars from 30 ratings