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T.C. Crawford
Publisher: T.C. Crawford
Pages: 389

David Bishop and the Legend of the Orb recounts the adventures of David Bishop - a teenage orphan who gets pulled into an otherworldly conflict that revolves around him and a mysterious orb.David quickly discovers that his arrival has been foretold by prophecy and that his coming has marked the beginning of the end of an ancient war between the forces of good and evil - each side needing the incredible powers granted to him by his newfound connection to the Orb.As David watches the world around him fall into chaos, he finds himself in a race against time to stop the ambitious plans of an evil General who is intent on unleashing an ancient horror from its prison – a horror he hopes will help him on his quest for domination.Desperate and overwhelmed - David seeks the help of unlikely allies in an effort to unravel the mysteries of the Orb and save the world from the brink of ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 13 ratings