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Christian Mallia, Faith Leuzarder
Publisher: Blockheads Workshop
Pages: 26

"Days like these were his favorite—ordinary."Widowed elder Raphael and his lovely daughter Caroline live in their weathered farmhouse among the rolling cornfields, isolated from the rest of the world. Between cooking, cleaning, tending to the crops, and fending off nocturnal predators, his life is abundantly full, but she feels a hollow space in their tedious routine. When city-slicker Sebastian returns home and invites her to the annual Harvest Moon Festival as his date, Raphael clings tightly to his perfect utopia, regardless of Caroline's passionate desire for more. Not even death can restrain his choking hold.A Black Wick's Tale is a short story of love, loss, and acceptance, thrusting readers down into the dirt between the relationship of an overbearing father and his blossoming daughter.Read now!
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5 stars from 5 ratings