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M.A. Innes
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services
Pages: 257

Leon’s always been on the outside looking in, and most of the time, he prefers it that way. Leon’s never seen romance and attraction the same way everyone else has, and he doesn’t really mind that. When life is filled with everything from college classes to a best friend who’s a trouble magnet, who has time for romance anyway? At least that’s what he thinks until he meets his new roommate.Morgan’s always been on the outside looking in, and college hasn’t helped the situation any.When a difficult roommate situation goes from bad to worse, Morgan is happy to move into the privacy of an apartment. But when his toy-filled peace is interrupted by the stern but well-meaning Leon, he isn’t sure what to think. Just because Leon is sweet, take charge, and a has a thing for healthy eating doesn’t mean he’s a Daddy, does it?63k wordsStory contains: M/m romantic content with low heat, mild BDSM ...
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