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Elizabeth Cole
ASIN: B08G329K2K
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 23

Tired of telling your child not to shout or kick things when they are angry? Then this book is the perfect solution for you!When children are angry, they can manifest their anger through bad behavior. They might shout, cry, throw things and roll on the floor or all of these things combined. That's why most parents need help managing their kids emotions and feelings.This book about little Nick:contains lovely illustrations and lightly rhyming storylinehelps children recognize and cope with their anger in a funny way through communication with zoo animalsoffers a variety of calming techniques and is aimed to improve kids self-regulation skillsteaches children to admit their mistakes and say “I’m sorry”includes a bonus coloring page"This story has helped my preschoolers to understand, recognize and deal with their emotions. Very useful picture book which offers fun kids activities and is ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 3,137 ratings