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Scott M. Baker, Scott Matthew Baker
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 228

Do Jason and Sasha have any chance for happiness? Jason and the Demon Hunters are exhausted. After traveling halfway around the world and battling so many Demon Spawn, they face their worst challenge yet -- closing an interdimensional portal that opened inside a melted-down nuclear reactor and that is protected by demons far more deadly and terrifying than any they have encountered before. Jason and Sasha finally have a chance to be together even though every day could be their last. Complicating matters is Enipsigos, the only demon to survive the closing of the Shenyang portal, who harbors a dark secret about the couple that could impact their future as well as the future of the world. What will kill the Demon Hunters first, the radiation from the melted reactor or the Demon Spawn guarding it? NOTE: The first three novels in the Shattered World series were originally published as the ...
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5 stars from 18 ratings