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Publisher: unknown
Pages: 205

Re•sil•ientable to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditionsEach character in Gangsta Fever has shown resilience but now the stakes have been raised higher.Shantel and Logan’s presence has changed everything and everyone around them including their bond to eachother. The two lovers who were once joined by the hip are now on opposites sides of the gun. The test is love and loyalty and neither is determined to take a bullet. North has always remained calculated and cautious. His determination to survive or succeed has never waivered not even for the perfect woman Doll or the new problematic constant in his life, Shantel. However, with secrets, greed and envy lurking around he’s in jeopardy of losing everything, even his life. Babymama drama and an unfaithful man was something Nova never wanted or desired no matter how much her heart craved the man attached to it. Nova last ...
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5 stars from 40 ratings