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Grahame Shannon
Publisher: Tangleberry Books
Pages: 345

Bestselling author Grahame Shannon has done it again! Sean Gray, sailor and amateur detective, teams up with clever waitress Cindy Lu to solve a fifty-year-old mystery of strange events and buried treasure in Thomas Bay Alaska, aka the Bay of Devils. In 1918 the SS Princess Sophia sank in Alaska with 350 souls aboard. All perished when the ship, stranded on Vanderbilt reef, slid off into deep water. Going through her father’s effects in 1968, Cindy finds an old flask. The message inside is from the doomed ship. She delivers it to the original address, which is nearby. Elizabeth Hadley, now in her seventies, reads the letter from her former suitor with excitement. She hires Sean to lead an expedition and unravel the mystery. He tracks down Cindy, and the chemistry between them is immediate. Lizzy introduces the crew of her 110-foot classic yacht Lady L, including Ajax, an acid-tongued ...
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4.5 stars from 67 ratings