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Benjamin Tikerpae
ASIN: B08H1B263H
Publisher: Kraze
Pages: 184

Like the start of any apocalyptic tale - an asteroid was headed towards Earth - but did it actually reach its mark? That's irrelevant, the world's gone potty anyway. You're either a murdering maneater, human cattle in a meat market with your flesh on the menu, or privileged enough to avoid such terrors and thus are naturally exploiting those less fortunate than yourself.Either way, there's bound to be some fun in here… surely? Also, there might just be a couple of robots in here too - why not, 'ey? Fancy a look to see how I fare in a life like this? Then take a read, why don't you? If you'd rather pass on it, well… sod you! xxxx
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 2 ratings