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Daniel Covington
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 334

2 BOOKS IN 1 – USE THE POWER OF ANALYTICS AND PROBABILITY TO DISCOVER WHAT YOUR TARGET CUSTOMERS ARE THINKING AND HOW TO USE THAT AS AN EDGE IN IDENTIFYING SOLUTIONS AND STRATEGIES TO HELP YOU MOVE FORWARD.Book 1 – Analytics: Data Science, Data Analysis and Predictive Analytics for BusinessGetting your business up and running or starting on your career path is one thing, but have a sustainable business or career is completely another. Many people make the mistake of making plans but having no follow-through. This is where analytics comes in.Don’t you wish to have the power to know what your target consumers are thinking? Won’t you want to have a preview of what future trends to expect in the market you are in?Well, this book is just the one you need. This book will teach you, in simple and easy-to-understand terms, how to take advantage of data from your daily operations and make such ...
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3 stars from 2 ratings