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Cindy Bonds
Publisher: Scrivenings Press LLC
Pages: 314

Her confidence shot, Agent Macy Packer desperately wants to go back to her regular life, before she was taken hostage. To forget the pain, the fear and forget the man that helped her through all of it, then disappeared.Kane Bledsoe is finally healed, his scars serving as a reminder of his time in captivity. But all he can think about is the blue-eyed woman that saved him. She had saved them all and left him with a burning hope.A chance meeting and an attack prove Macy is still in danger. Kane pushes himself into the investigation, doing what he can to provide protection.The enemy is clear, he wants Macy.Kane will have to decide just how far he’s willing to go to protect her. Can he sacrifice himself when the time comes?
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 17 ratings