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Ed Church
ASIN: B08HJP4179
Publisher: Double Time Books
Pages: 310

Ex-London copper Mick Morley has spent nearly three decades searching for his missing daughter. Now the South African bar that was his ‘fresh start’ is being robbed at gunpoint… How’s your luck, Mick?But what if someone else is in the bar that night? A Met detective on a career break – name of Brook Deelman. Well, then maybe that changes the odds.Maybe that could change everything.Ahead of Brook, a missing person case from the last days of ‘old school’ policing – an age of bloody riots, swinging batons and undercover sources. Those wishing the truth to stay buried will use the full force of the law to keep it that way… Or even just plain force.• • •Titles in the Brook Deelman series:1. Non-Suspicious2. Probably Dead3. Look Down: A Jonboy File4. Unauthorised• • •Praise for Probably Dead:“Gritty realism, laconic humour and an engrossing plot.” (Amazon)“A ripper of a story... so authentic ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 235 ratings