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Erika James, Stephen Tweedle
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 59

Yes, This Book Is For You Are You Incarcerated? Is Your Friend Incarcerated? Is Your Family Member Incarcerated? Do you know someone Incarcerated? The Personal Benefit to You? This Book is designed to help you or anyone you know who's incarcerated, to Understand and Survive the Prison system and return home Healthy and Happy. The Author, Stephen Tweedle, has served 2 decades in prison. Stephen did not allow his circumstances to define him. He used his time wisely and developed a Strategy which allowed him to transform his Obstacles into Opportunities. Going to prison is hard! Surviving prison is harder! Coming home Healthy and Happy from prison is the hardest! Stephen is sharing his "Personal" Strategy for Success with You, so that You will KNOW what it takes to Survive Incarceration and return home Happy and Healthy. Unlike so many other books written by people who've never been to ...
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4.5 stars from 4 ratings