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D J Cook
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 284

LIFE DOESN'T ALWAYS GO ACCORDING TO PLAN.Tamsin Cross has the world at her feet: she knows exactly what she wants and what to do to achieve it. All she has to do is graduate. Everything is going according to plan, until a single phone call diminishes all hope of achieving her goals, leaving a devastating trail of destruction in her path. As her world continues to fall apart around her, Tamsin fights through the mess to piece her life back together, stubborn and unaware she can't do it alone. Her best friend steps in to save her from the cruel mistress that is her life, but it takes an unexpected hero to truly come to her rescue. CAN TAMSIN STILL ACHIEVE ALL SHE DREAMS OF, OR IS LIFE JUST TOO UNFAIR?
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 29 ratings