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J.H. Gason
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 162

The most unbelievable part about this Spectacular Story is that it is Absolutely True. As dozens are killed in a series of tornadoes a long running Labor Strike burns out of control between Miners and National Guard Troops after the death of Coal Tycoon, Justus Stearns. A short but bloody feud would spark off after two Byrdstown Lawmen (George and Floyd Winningham) were gunned down while swinging the hard-stick of the Stearns Coal and Lumber Company. The suspect at large is a young musician by the name of Jerome “Rome” Boyatt. Set against a 1930’s Prohibition Era backdrop we follow Detective Anvil Clemens as he races against time to find Rome before a Reward Motivated Lynch-Mob led by none other than the youngest son of the two slain lawmen (Kentucky Sheriff, William “Willie” Winningham). This series of events would ultimately end in the death of at least eight people as well as the ...
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5 stars from 7 ratings