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Michael Richan
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 331

"One of the most exciting new series!" Strange new forces confront Nate, Crier, and the entire team as they continue their defense of the Mausoleum and the terrifying secret it holds! * Note: the description below contains spoilers from the first book in the series, Mausoleum: Anomaly. * With Aceveda gone, a new leader, Foster, takes over the Mausoleum project. Nate and Annya, a new hire at Capella, are tasked with assisting their new leader. Foster seems intent upon reclaiming a long-abandoned mansion within the zone. At first, Foster’s reasons seem clear, but as they penetrate the haunted building, Nate and Annya grow concerned: the mansion contains deadly traps, and Foster’s reasons don’t always hold up. As Red Star regroups for a new attack upon the Mausoleum, Foster’s focus on the mansion seems misguided, potentially leaving everyone at risk. Meanwhile, the teams dig further into ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 41 ratings