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Evan Bollinger
Publisher: Dark Niche Publishing
Pages: 281

The seam between Prim Ordal and the Nether just got shredded...Nearly a millennium ago, the shadowkin of the Night Fold were defeated and banished, cast from the world to the Nether beyond. Since then, the free lands of Prim Ordal have slowly recovered, the fractures from those Barren Wars fading with the winds of time...But now those times have changedA ferocious blight has been unleashed, rapidly transforming living things everywhere into deathly perversions of themselves, and as the darkness unfolds, a young huntsman without a past must seek the impossible...A power. A mastery, foretold by legend and forgotten by man.Now, coveted by a legion of darkeners and surrounded by powerful magites, Roscoe Coats faces a terrifying truth. In a world where magic is feared and despised, he might just harbor the rarest of all...The clock is ticking. The scourge is spreading, the magic of the Ordal ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 26 ratings