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Freda Ann
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 114

After the dashing Air Force Sergeant Liam James proposes to cupcake baker Sophie Beck, preparations for a festive December wedding begin—the thing is, there’s only two months to plan it all. As Sophie juggles wedding planning and running her bakery at the busiest time of year, her son Cam, on the autism spectrum, gets news that brings up their family’s traumatic past.With Cam on the verge of a meltdown, Liam is plucked away for Reserve duty just when Sophie needs him the most. And after she discovers a secret he’s been hiding for the last year, her world is thrown upside down. Liam is the man who put her heart back together after the death of her husband—but can she handle more of his lies? Or is it time for Sophie to move on alone?
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 14 ratings