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Linda K. Rodante
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 126

Second Chance Homecoming is a heartwarming Christian romance novella filled with fall’s football, second chances, and the wonder of Christmas. After her divorce and all that led up to it, Sarah Emerson’s life consists of her son, her job, and the secret she carries. Maybe if she’d married the boy who proposed after Homecoming, things would be different now… Philip Devereaux has had similar curveballs thrown his way, but he’s picked himself up and continued on. Occasionally, he remembers his first crush and the girl that made him laugh. When a thrill ride at Disney World brings a surprise meeting, they both wonder about that special Homecoming. But with the distance between them and the hurt in both their lives, will a second chance be enough to awaken the dreams they once had? Or will it take the miracle of Christmas?
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 47 ratings