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Julie Bawden-Davis
Publisher: Roses Are Red Publishing
Pages: 152

After decades dreaming about each other….they reunite on a fateful moonlit winter’s night.When Susa York’s cousin, Hermann, leaves her unwittingly holding a bag of stolen rare diamonds and disappears, the shy scientist working on a groundbreaking experiment must face the fact that her cousin’s life is in grave danger. Soon after Hermann’s disappearance, she reunites with race car driver turned chef Kent Aronson, whom she has dreamed about for two decades.Kent has also fantasized about one day reuniting with Susa since they met at a Georgia lakeside resort twenty years before. As they search for Hermann, Kent and Susa discover a connection to the secret moonlight ceremonies with gems Hermann involved the three of them in at the lake.Will Susa and Kent find Hermann before it’s too late? Can they discover what gem mayhem comes with the moonlight?
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