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Rick Riley
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 224

2021 Online Reseller Sourcing Guide - 10 Book Bundle!Book 1: Turning Thrift Store Knick Knacks into Giant Cash Stacks: 50 Everyday Items You Can Buy Cheap At Thrift Stores And Resell On eBay And Amazon For Huge ProfitHere Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...Where Do I Begin and What Should I Buy?Easy to Find Items You Can Make a Profit onWhat Else Should You Be Looking For?Even More Items You Can Resell For Good MoneyUnique Items You Never Thought Would SellSome 1980’s Items You Can Sell and Make Profit OnThe Odd Selling Items That Sell GreatMuch, much more!Book 2: eBay Selling Secrets for Massive Profits: Discover 40 Secrets To Make Huge Money Buying At Thrift Stores And Reselling On eBay! Work From Home And Be Your Own Boss!In This Book You Will Learn...How to Find Your Goods To Resell on eBayWhat Items are Best to Resell on eBay?Listing Your Items to Sell on eBayHow to Make Your eBay ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 22 ratings