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Dorothy Wehunt
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 97

Do you like true stories with a twist that inspire?•A young girl is enticed to ride in a black unmarked car with a stranger? What happens?•Melody attends a seminar and memories keep flowing back constantly. How does this affect her?•What happens when a young woman in the doctor’s office is to make an unwelcome choice to end the consultation?•Nickels, dimes, and quarters. Can a little girl patiently wait for her parents to take her to town? •A young lady and man met unexpectedly in a strange way. The meeting affects their lives forever.•A girl twelve years of age develops a skin condition that the doctor cannot resolve without unwelcome side effects. Something unusual occurs.•A young couple decide to use a home exchange program the first time in a foreign city and do not speak the language?•A young man inherits a cedar chest from his parents. What unusual does he find in it?Those are ...
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