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C.P. James
Publisher: Independent
Pages: 243

Some things were never meant to be foundThis was as far as Eli Massen could go to escape his former life. So far from the sun, it was little more than a speck of light in the sky. A good place to hide things. Things no one was ever supposed to find.The Shatter. All that remains of two moons slammed into each other millennia ago. Leaving nothing behind but a ring of rubble orbiting the gas giant, Obitron. A dangerous place to be, but lucrative for those brave - or foolish - enough to venture there. Guiding the mineral rich fragments into the Maw for processing. Massen did not consider himself brave. Rather, he just didn’t care anymore.His life is about to change. Something has been hidden out here. Something no one was ever meant to find. It looked like a jewel. A tiny stone lost amongst the rubble of broken worlds. The moment Massen decides to keep it for himself, his life begins to ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 126 ratings