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Renee Erickson
Publisher: Abrams Books
Pages: 524

From the Pacific Northwest’s most influential chef comes Getaway, a collection of recipes for ultra-simple sophistication inspired by the world’s most delicious cuisines, cowritten with award-winning author Sara Dickerman.  Foreword by James Beard Award–winning author Diana Henry   James Beard Award–winning acclaimed chef, restaurateur, and artist Renee Erickson invites you on a culinary journey via her favorite places in the world—Rome, Paris, Normandy, Baja California, London, and her hometown, Seattle. Equally aspirational travelogue and practical guide to cooking at home, the book offers 120 recipes and 60 cocktail recipes for simple meals that evoke the dreamiest places and cuisines. From not-too-intricate cocktails and snacks to effortless entrées, these are the recipes that inspire Erickson and make for relaxed, convivial evenings, whether at home or abroad: Roasted Zucchini ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 125 ratings