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Emily Honeyfield
Publisher: Regal Quill Publishing
Pages: 336

With her family being left penniless when she was just a little girl, Mille Baskins has been forced into a life of servitude. When her mistress dares her to accompany her to a Masquerade Ball, dressed up as if she were a real Lady, Millie cherishes the idea of being a noblewoman for a night. However, an electrifying encounter with a mysterious masked gentleman beneath the moonlight, makes her heart skip a beat. From that point on, everything will go askew, as Mille realises that the man she is intensely drawn to, is the Marquess her lady had her eye on. Will Mille succumb to the dashing nobleman who triggered her most forbidden longings? Or will she manage to resist him, for her lady’s sake? Edward Lithgow, the Marquess of Townshend, has just returned from France, where he led the adventurous life of a spy, during the Napoleonic war. After having a lot of fiery affairs during the war ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 133 ratings