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J.B. Wadsworth
Publisher: Bent Bow Publishing, LLC
Pages: 316

Is love really worth any price? After being driven from his home in Vermont by a mother perched on the edge of insanity and a money-grubbing old woman who won’t let him marry the woman he loves, Sheridan Baird seeks his fortune in the steel mills in Pittsburgh. But when his worst fears come true and his love marries another, he wonders if it wouldn’t have been better to have perished in the Civil War like his brothers. Then, he meets the attractive and sophisticated Elinor Taylor from Manhattan. Encouraged by the death wish of a good friend and in a reckless bid to seize control of his fortunes, Sheridan moves to Brooklyn, New York, to try to win her heart. Things rarely go according to plan, and he ends up fighting, not only for Elinor’s love but also for his very life. Elinor Taylor, the daughter of a wealthy financier from Manhattan, chafes under the constraints of upper-class ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 13 ratings