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Jeremiah Strickland
Publisher: Shiny Red Nothing Press
Pages: 198

In 2006, writer Wayne Bird loses his girlfriend Sally (AKA: VD) to a heroin overdose while housesitting for Dorothy, an art dealer. Isolated in Dorothy’s haunted apartment and surrounded by her vivid, surreal collection of paintings, Bird parties, hits on the vampire from downstairs, and obsesses over the Skyrat video game he can’t beat… Anything to avoid his grief. Deeply depressed, his grip on reality crumbles, the apartment’s ghosts close in, and his own demons threaten to consume him. Literally.However, transported to the plague-ridden Earth of a parallel reality, Wayne finds his purpose and new love as a freedom fighting journalist. Nearly 150 years after we first meet him, semi-retired and working as a creative writing teacher at Green City High School, Mr. Bird comes face to face with the Skyrat, the superhero he made up when he was only seven years old. When Skyrat accepts a ...
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5 stars from 7 ratings