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Scarlett Grove
Publisher: unknown
Pages: N/A

AbigailI’m determined to find the truth behind Mars’s founding. But not even the queen’s sister is privy to that information. I decide that matching up with a powerful Martian is the only way I can get better access to Mars’s historic records.MalicoI believed my greatest invention was the Timegate. Now I’ve been called to invent a weapon to eradicate the Mantis Swarm.The Timegate brought us brides to save our race, but it also brought us our ancient enemy. If I don’t find a way to defeat them, we will all die. When I am matched with the queen’s rebellious sister, I know I’m in for trouble.AbigailI’ve been matched with Mars’s greatest scientist. He’s exactly the type of man I need to help me complete my mission. But to my utter surprise, I begin to fall for him. The only person I can talk to is my new BFF. Bobby has her own secrets to share. She encourages me to keep searching for ...
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