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Jonathan Burton Peters Jr
Publisher: Armor Strong Books
Pages: 754

A middle grade fantasy book that both teens and young adults will enjoy!Perfect for kids who love adventure, dragons, and epic battles!Tarkay is stirring for a possible war on Delmore, to survive to see the future Salem and Medea must find the Legends Sword. They will have to travel to Celvar and face new hardships along the way, and then unlock the secrets of the Halls Of Legend. Can they get the legendary sword in time and before war strikes. Can they fight off Tarkay and prevent them from conquering Delmore. We will see in Salem And The Legends Sword because the powers of the light will depend on it, whether or not darkness will defeat the light or if light will survive to see the future.As well, the fire dragons are about to attack Delmore as well to once again wipe the humans out, can Salem and friends survive to see tomorrow. The future is in Salem's hands because without the ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 5 ratings