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Shaun Whittington
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 129

“Tears are the language of grief.”It’s been nearly three years since the school killings, and Billy Jones is still haunted by what happened and struggles on how to deal with an episode that will scar the town for a long time. In this horrific, yet emotional story, it tells us about a tortured soul. Everywhere is a reminder and there's no escape for Billy Jones.It’s been nearly three years since the school killings, and Billy Jones is still haunted by what happened and struggles on how to deal with an episode that will scar the town for a long time.Opening ChapterThe hysterical screaming of young voices pierced his sensitive ears, almost making him wince as the noise assaulted them. It was a surreal, sullen moment, and his mind refused to comprehend what was happening. It was as if he was drunk and had no control over his body. He looked around in a frightened daze, and saw the dead man ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 6 ratings