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Shantel Williams
Publisher: Urban Authoress Publishing
Pages: 353

Centuries ago the true king of Xiuaya was stolen away leaving the kingdom of Xiuaya in evil hands. Now 320 years later fate is working to restore the true king as the leader. Mr. Hamilton has lived his life feeling unfulfilled. He has everything anyone could want, except purpose. As his mind tried to unlock the secrets he comes across, the woman from his daydreams seem to be the key. Rajashri lives a rather lonely life for a 19-year-old. Losing her parents in a sudden tragic freak accident causes her to enter the adult world before she was ready. Landing a job at a prestigious tech company puts her in the path of the handsome, mysterious Mr. Hamilton. Her life is never the same when she lays eyes on him. The two misguided hearts are thrust into a world they both forgotten about and unlock dark secret which leads them on a quest to save the Kingdom of Xiuaya. Can they handle the journey ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 26 ratings