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Joseph J. Jalbert
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 319

Sentenced to die by the The Enlightened, the extra-terrestrial tyrants ruling the fractured remnants of planet earth in the near future, Annie and Victoria Andrews are rescued at the moment of their execution and sent back in time to change the course of history.Directionless and searching for purpose after a devastating in-ring accident ends his professional wrestling career, Johnny "Thunder" Bolt rescues the enigmatic time-travelers from certain death after their violent arrival in our time.The sisters warn that the extra-terrestrials are already among us, masquerading as demigods and gaining human followers, manipulating world events, and setting the stage for the imminent release of "The Great Death", a bio-weapon that will exterminate the majority of humanity.In the exciting first volume of the groundbreaking Thunderbolt and the Sparrow trilogy, Team Thunderbolt goes undercover in ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 8 ratings