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Evangelist T. C. Wanyanwu
Publisher: Majesty Printing Press
Pages: 154

In the ancient times, it was no secret that Jesus Christ was a Black man from the tribe of Judah. The early Jews knew it because they were also Blacks. The Romans knew it, and the Greeks knew it. In fact, all the people of his time, and long afterwards, knew that the Messiah Christ Jesus was a Black man.This book is an inconvenient truth that you may not be ready to read.Through this book, you get answers to the following:● What is the mind of God on Idolatry which consists not only in the worship of false gods, but also in the worship of the true God by images?● Is Jesus really a Black man from the tribe of Judah?● If Jesus is black then does the bible support it?● Are Black people the original Hebrew Israelites?● Is there any forensic and scientific proof that the messiah was black?● Who is the man in the picture that is displayed in most churches around the world?● Why is the colour ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 91 ratings