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Brynn Paulin
Publisher: Supernova Indie Publishing Services LLC
Pages: 299

I pursue. She runs.I've wanted Petra since the first time I saw her. And she's hated me since about that same moment. Or maybe it was from the moment I gave her that wicked smile and called her Pet. Maybe a mistake, but I knew she'd be mine.Four years later and she's still giving me the cold shoulder. That doesn't stop me. Not really. Though my pursuit's gotten a little more subtle. But time's running out. Soon we'll be off to our futures and I don't want to head in different directions.Imagine my surprise when my dad elopes and comes home with my new mom and stepsister. My Pet's in the bedroom next to mine and it just got a lot harder for her to avoid me. And a lot icier as that cold shoulder gets even colder. If that's how she wants to be...CHALLENGE ACCEPTED.
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 54 ratings