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A. M. Portman
Publisher: Cetus Publishing
Pages: 361

"A highly, entertaining fast paced read" -Reader's Favorite • Silver Medal Award Winner"A great start to an incredible adventure" -Onlinebookclub.orgA WOMAN IN A DESPERATE SEARCHAdella's life had been peaceful on the frontier of Valenna. But when mysterious raiders attack and burn her town down, her brother goes missing. Leaving everything behind, she sets off in a desperate ride across the plains to find him.A MERCENARY IN DIRE NEED OF HER HELPKol, a highly-skilled Sornian soldier, needs Adella's help if he wants to live to see another day. A traitor to his country with nowhere else to turn, he agrees to guide Adella across the wilderness of the Campos.A HIGH-SEAS ADVENTUREWhen Adella is captured by the enemy, she inadvertently lets a powerful artifact fall into the wrong hands. Risking everything to find her, Kol takes a gamble and joins forces with the mysterious Captain Declan, a ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 114 ratings