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Mayonezka pro
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 273

The entire period of existence of mankind is haunted by terrible epidemics… The first mention of mass diseases of people and animals is found in the written sources of ancient peoples! For example, modern researchers have learned about the outbreak of polio in ancient Egypt in the III-II millennia BC. Yellow fever also has a long history, having mowed down white pioneers in tropical Africa for centuries. Plague epidemics or smallpox epidemics still remain in the collective memory of many peoples, as well as" cholera barracks "or" Spaniard "... Previously, such mass diseases were called" pestilence "or"great pestilence". Now they have the scientific name "epidemic" or "pandemic". A pandemic is a disease that has become widespread, affecting a significant part of the entire population. According to the criteria of the World Health Organization, a pandemic is the spread of a new disease on ...
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