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Joshua King
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 103

***Check out the Don't Gamble with Retirement + Wealth is a Mindset combo pack for a huge discount! ***Have you ever wished that you were a brilliant entrepreneur? How about a millionaire real estate investor? Even better, a big-time investor like Warren Buffet? We may not be able to become huge;y successful people like this (or maybe we can), but we can take pieces of their passions and integrate them into our lives.And how would we do this? By reading books. Education is the single most important tool of the wealthy. Reading allows us to tap into the thought process of millionaires and billionaires. By understanding what makes these leaders great, we can take their success (and failures) and make our own lives great.I am a standard government employee and have been in the military for 22 years. I always thought that at some point things would “click” and I would “just get ahead” of ...
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