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Oganalp Canatan
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 449

Rebecca licked her lips, then cleared her throat. “Unknown vessels, you are now in Samara’s Star, Consortium space. Identify yourselves.”There was no response.“Unknown vessels, this is your final warning.” She repeated though everyone on the bridge knew it was mere protocol, the brief calm before the storm. “You are trespassing, and we are authorized to use lethal force if you do not comply.” Rebecca thought if someone dropped something now, it would hang in mid-air, waiting for their response. Everyone held their breath, staring at the massive alien armada.A sudden, loud crackling, deafening even, filled the speakers. Officers were yelling in pain, their hands covering their ears. Rebecca reached for the console to cut the signal, but the noise stopped as fast as it had come.WE. ARE. COMING. HOME.It was a dark, guttural voice echoing through the ship. Rebecca didn’t know if the ship’s ...
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