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John Beam
Publisher: Beacon Creative Publishing LLC
Pages: 61

How far would you go to defend free speech?Tyler Jones has seen enough street violence for a lifetime. It’s made him the controversial mouthpiece in a new push for gun legislation. And armed men have just invaded his latest speech in Clarksvile, TN.After two years of hunting, St George has a lead on the man who murdered his family. The blonde mystery man is spreading chaos across America. George doesn’t know how deep the conspiracy goes. He only knows there’s something big planned in Clarksville.Innocent people are dying. Now Tyler’s faced with the uncomfortable irony that the lone hero with a gun might be his only hope for survival.UnCivil Discourse continues the action packed adventures of St George, a decorated veteran turned travelling vigilante like Jack Reacher. Someone is targeting America’s civil liberties. Each victim St George rescues helps him unravel the mystery of who is ...
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5 stars from 8 ratings