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Linzi Carlisle
Publisher: Linzi Carlisle
Pages: 344

One English Country Village - Two Missing Girls - Three Dead Bodies (so far…) – And loads of Poison Pen LettersSasha Blue’s life is far from perfect – too many late nights, too much wine and pizza, and bad luck with men. As she scrapes a living solving missing dog cases and bad hair days, she dreams of one day opening her own detective agency.When her niece goes missing in the English village of Parva Crossing, Sasha leaves London, and books herself into the local pub to put her detective skills to the test, with the help of attractive local artist, Cal.Quaint and pretty at first glance, Parva Crossing, sliced in two by the Black River, has a darker underbelly of hidden secrets and lies, madness, crime, misunderstandings, and even murder.Among its varied residents, Dorothy Newton spends her time spying on her neighbours from her windows, while her husband, George, worries obsessively ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 35 ratings