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Elaine Shields
Publisher: (March 4, 2021)
Pages: 497

Cora feels like her life is falling to pieces when her father pressures her to marry a man she despises. Determined to escape this nightmare, she decides to take control of her life and become a mail-order bride. After her parents discover her plans and try to expedite the wedding, she desperately flees to the west to meet a man she's been exchanging promising letters with. Her plans go awry, however, when she realizes this man is only looking for a wife to please his family and is not interested in a real marriage. Even though she is disappointed, she still feels she has no choice but to marry him. When Cora starts to develop unexpected feelings for him though, will she trust him enough to give their relationship a real chance? Luca doesn’t believe in true love and wants nothing to do with marriage. Yet after his father presents him with an ultimatum, he’s forced to find a wife as soon ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 355 ratings