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Barbara Becker Holstein
ASIN: B08Y66KH39
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 176

Helping kids build self esteem through reading the journal of a girl, identifying with the girl, and understanding they have more courage and resiliency than they thought they had. In this book, written by the girl in journal form, the already famous 'girl' 'The Truth, Diary of a Gutsy Tween' and 'Secrets, Diary of a Gutsy Teen' is in her first year of high school and things are not going well at all. A boyfriend that disappoints her has to be dealt with. A party only furthers her problems and despair. An opportunity to go visit her aunt in Minnesota and get away from her irritating family seems too good to be true. She gets to Minnesota and finds that her Aunt is only too eager to involve her in a seance night that brings up mysterious information and a deceased relative. The 'girl' comes home to deal with more mysteries, communication problems with mom and finally some wonderful ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 11 ratings