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Alice Kirks
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 395

Lady Fiona Burgess feels utterly devastated when her brother pressures her into an unwanted betrothal to a man of a dubious reputation. When she receives anonymous letters encouraging her to question the source of her intended's wealth, she knows that his secret is darker than she thought. Her life will take an unexpected turn though, when she sets eyes on their new groundskeeper, who will comfort her with his flower knowledge and gentle soul. Not long after, the tormented lady will find herself deeply in love with the kind gentleman, despite knowing that a romance with him is impossible to flourish. Will Fiona find a way to prove to her brother that the person he forces her to marry is a scoundrel? Or will she be condemned to a loveless marriage, losing the only man that holds the key to her heart?While Jean-Michel Delacroix is searching for his long-lost family in London, he is ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 3 ratings