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Ava Strong
Publisher: Ava Strong (August 24, 2021)
Pages: 198

In this new series by #1 bestselling mystery and suspense author Ava Strong, criminal profiler in training (and newly-engaged) Stella Fall, 26, discovers dark secrets hiding in her fiance’s past and wealthy suburb—and when a woman turns up murdered, Stella must tap her expertise in serial killers to extricate truth from lies—and not get torn apart by the demons of her own dark past.“The plot has many twists and turns, but it is the ending, which I did not see coming at all, that totally defines this book as one of the most riveting that I have read in years.”—Reader review for Not Like Us⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Stella seems to have her whole life ahead of her: she has just graduated with a dual masters in Psychology and Criminal Justice, she is engaged to the man of her dreams after a whirlwind romance, and she is moving to the East Coast with him as she prepares for the wedding and searches for a dream ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 4,649 ratings