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Gary Szendzielarz
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 499

"Author Gary Szendzielarz delivers an epic story with an engaging fantasy world as a background." Rated 5-Stars by K.C. Finn from Readers' FavoriteAdam Slater always felt something was off about his life; that he was not supposed to be a bullied, wimpy little kid. In 1984, eight year old Adam and his friends discover an abandoned car near a large creepy work shed. Kids being kids, they decide to search, only to find the car belongs to a missing MI5 agent named Hendley. In the car, Adam finds an old leather-bound book written in a language, the likes of which he had never seen before; whilst Adam’s friend Ian enters the shed, only to suddenly vanish, never to be seen again. All of this kicks off events which will change Adam's life forever. On his eighteenth birthday, everything changes in an instant. Suddenly, he is strong, powerful, and can do things which should have been impossible. ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 8 ratings